Our Plant Range

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kentia palm for hire

Kentia Palm

This is a Kentia Palm. It is an Australian native palm occurring naturally on Lord Howe Island. A truly regal palm and will grow to 3 metres inside. This is a Golden Cane Palm. Often referred to as the “butterfly palm” because of its growth pattern. It is native to Madagascar. It is a popular, well loved indoor plant.

Ficus elastica “Burgundy”

Ficus elastica “Burgundy”

This is a Ficus elastica “Burgundy”. It is native from India to Malaysia. It is a man made cultivar of the old standard Rubber Plant.

Dracaena Janet Craig

Dracaena Janet Craig

This is a Dracaena Janet Craig, native to tropical Africa. It grows very well in low light and needs very little water. NASA lists this plant among its top ten clean air plants.

Servicing the Sunshine Coast from Morayfield to Noosa

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